
Top WordPress Page Builders: X Page Builder, Elementor & Gutenberg

October 5, 2023
By: Hello Web Team

Building a visually appealing and user-friendly website is crucial to online success, and selecting the right page builder for your WordPress site can make all the difference. With a vast array of available options, it’s essential to choose a page builder that aligns with your design goals, budget, and skillset.

In this comprehensive comparison, we will delve into the world of WordPress page builders, focusing on three popular choices: ThemeCo’s X Page Builder, Elementor, and Gutenberg.

In this detailed analysis, we will explore the key features, advantages, and limitations of each page builder to help you make an informed decision. From ease of use and customization capabilities to responsive design and advanced functionalities, we will cover the essential aspects relevant to your website building journey.

Join us as we unveil the intricacies of these powerful WordPress page builders and help you choose the perfect tool to launch your stunning website.

ThemeCo’s X Page Builder (Cornerstone)

ThemeCo’s X Page Builder, also known as Cornerstone, is a powerful front-end page builder designed specifically for use with X Theme. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to create visually stunning pages with minimal effort. Below are some key features and advantages of ThemeCo’s X Page Builder:

  • Seamless Integration: X Page Builder is fully integrated with X Theme, ensuring a smooth and cohesive experience when customizing your site.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Easily design your pages by dragging elements onto your canvas and arranging them according to your preference.
  • Template Library: Access a vast library of pre-built templates and elements for a quicker and more efficient design process.
  • Responsive Editing: Preview and modify your designs for various devices, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience across all platforms.
  • Custom CSS: For advanced users, X Page Builder offers the ability to add custom CSS to your site, allowing for more intricate design customizations.

Despite its powerful features, X Page Builder has some limitations, such as being exclusive to X Theme users. Additionally, its selection of third-party plugins and add-ons is relatively limited compared to other page builders in the market.


Elementor has quickly become one of the most popular WordPress page builders due to its extensive features, ease of use, and flexibility. It offers both free and premium (Elementor Pro) versions, making it accessible to users with varying budgets and needs. Here’s what you need to know about Elementor:

  • Live Design: Create and edit your pages in real-time with the intuitive live editing experience, allowing you to see your changes instantly.
  • Template Library: Choose from a vast library of professionally designed templates and blocks to kickstart your design process.
  • Elementor Widgets: Access an extensive selection of widgets, ranging from basic elements like headings and images to advanced features such as forms, sliders, and testimonials.
  • Responsive Editing: Customize your design for various devices like desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Third-Party Integration: Elementor’s popularity has resulted in a plethora of third-party plugins and add-ons, allowing users to expand the builder’s functionality further.

Despite its widespread acclaim, Elementor has some drawbacks, including a steep learning curve for advanced features and the fact that some crucial features are only available through its premium version.

Gutenberg (WordPress Block Editor)

Launched as part of WordPress 5.0, Gutenberg is the default block editor that replaced the classic editor. It aims to simplify content creation and provide greater flexibility for users. While not as feature-rich as dedicated page builders like Elementor or X Page Builder, Gutenberg offers some compelling benefits:

  • Native Integration: Gutenberg is directly integrated with WordPress, ensuring future compatibility and eliminating the need for additional plugins.
  • Block-Based Editing: Arrange and style your content using various blocks, such as paragraphs, headings, images, and videos.
  • Reusable Blocks: Save frequently used blocks as reusable templates, streamlining the content creation process.
  • Customizable Layouts: Create unique page layouts using columns, buttons, and other formatting options.
  • Open-Source and Free: Gutenberg is an open-source project maintained by the WordPress community, providing continuous updates and improvements.

Of course, Gutenberg has its limitations – it lacks the advanced features and templates commonly found in dedicated page builders, and users familiar with the classic WordPress editor may need time to adapt to its block-based approach.

Choosing the Right Page Builder for Your Needs

When deciding which page builder is the perfect match for your WordPress site, consider the following factors:

  • Functionality: Evaluate your website’s design requirements and desired level of customization to determine which page builder offers the features you need.
  • Learning Curve: Choose a page builder that offers an intuitive interface and aligns with your design skills, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web designer.
  • Budget: Factor in the costs associated with each page builder, including possible premium plans and third-party integrations.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that your chosen page builder is compatible with your WordPress theme, plugins, and overall website setup.

By considering these factors and thoroughly assessing the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each page builder, you can make an informed decision that helps you create a spectacular WordPress site tailored to your unique needs.

Build Your Ideal WordPress Site with Hello Webmasters

Choosing the right page builder is crucial for creating a visually appealing and user-friendly WordPress site. Whether you opt for the exclusive X Page Builder, the flexible and feature-rich Elementor, or the native WordPress block editor Gutenberg, evaluate your specific requirements to make the best decision for your website.

Looking for a WordPress website designer to bring your online vision to life? Look no further than Hello Webmasters! Our team of experts specialize in creating and optimizing WordPress sites with a variety of page builders, ensuring a seamless experience tailored to your unique needs. Let us help you transform your online presence into a stunning and effective platform that drives results. Contact us today to discuss how our bespoke solutions can transform your WordPress site and propel your business forward!


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